How Long Can I Stay?

How Long Can I Stay?

When renting a property, it’s essential to understand the terms and duration of your agreement. Here's what you need to know about the minimum and potential maximum duration of your stay. 

Minimum Agreement Term: 3 Months Minimum

The minimum term for any rental agreement with ShareSorted is three months. This ensures stability and allows both the Occupant and ShareSorted to plan accordingly. 


Staying Beyond the Minimum Term 

 If you wish to stay longer than the initial three-month term, you have several options: 


1. Extend Your Current Agreement

Before your current agreement ends, you can request to extend it. This can be done by submitting a ticket via our website. Make sure to do this well in advance to ensure there’s ample time for processing. 


2. Transition to a Periodic Agreement 

After the initial fixed-term agreement, your rental can transition to a periodic agreement. This means your agreement continues on a month-to-month basis. This offers flexibility if you’re unsure about your long-term plans. 


3. Sign a New Fixed-Term Agreement

If you prefer the security of a longer-term stay, you can request a new fixed-term agreement. This is particularly useful if you plan to stay for an additional fixed period, such as another six months or a year. 


How to Request an Extension or New Agreement   

1. Visit Our Website

 Go to the ShareSorted website and navigate to the "Contact Us" section.


2. Submit a Ticket

 Click on "Create a Ticket" and select the category "Agreements & Security Deposits". Fill out the required details, including your current agreement end date, desired extension period, and any other relevant information. 


3. Await Confirmation

Our team will review your request and get back to you with the next steps. 

Important Considerations 

Plan Ahead: Make sure to request any extensions or new agreements well before your current agreement ends to avoid any disruptions. 

Understand the Terms: Ensure you fully understand the terms of any new or extended agreement. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team

By following these guidelines, you can manage your stay duration effectively and ensure a smooth rental experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team. 

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