How Do I Prevent a Pest Infestation in My Home?

How Do I Prevent a Pest Infestation in My Home?

Preventing a pest infestation is crucial for maintaining a comfortable living environment.

Steps You Can Take to Prevent a Pest Infestation in Your Home

1. Keep Your Home Clean
  1. Regular Cleaning:
    1. Vacuum and Sweep: Regularly vacuum and sweep floors to remove crumbs and debris that can attract pests.
    2. Wipe Surfaces: Clean kitchen counters, dining tables, and other surfaces to remove food residues.
    3. Dispose of Garbage: Empty trash cans frequently and use sealed bins to prevent pests from accessing food waste.
  2. Food Storage:
    1. Seal Food: Store food in airtight containers to keep pests out.
    2. Refrigerate Perishables: Keep perishable items like fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.
    3. Clean Up Spills: Promptly clean up any spills or crumbs to avoid attracting pests.
No amount of pest control provided by ShareSorted will be effective if your home is not kept clean and rubbish-free at all times.

2. Monitor for Pests
  1. Regular Inspections:
    1. Check for Signs: Regularly inspect your home for signs of pests, such as droppings, nests, or damage.
    2. Use Traps: Place traps in areas where pests are likely to enter, such as backyards and kitchens.
  2. Early Intervention:
    1. Act Quickly: If you notice any signs of pests, take action immediately to prevent a small problem from becoming an infestation.
    2. Use Safe Methods: Consider using safe and non-toxic pest control methods, such as traps or natural repellents.

When to Contact ShareSorted

1. Severe Infestations:
If you have a severe infestation or cannot manage the problem on your own, contact our support team.

2. Specialised Treatments:
For specific pests like termites or bed bugs, professional treatment may be necessary to effectively eliminate the problem.

If you are living in a ShareSorted property and need assistance with pest control, please contact our support team.
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