How Do I Correctly Dispose of Rubbish?

How Do I Correctly Dispose of Rubbish?

Proper rubbish disposal is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment. 

How to Correctly Dispose of Your Rubbish and Recycling Materials

Red Lid Bin – General Waste
The red lid bin is for any regular rubbish that cannot be recycled. This includes:
  1. -Non-recyclable plastics
  2. Food scraps
  3. Disposable nappies
  4. Broken household items
  5. Other general waste

Yellow Lid Bin – Recycling
The yellow lid bin is for all recyclable materials. This includes:
  1. Glass bottles and jars
  2. Plastic bottles and containers with the recycling logo
  3. Aluminium and steel cans
  4. Milk and juice cartons

Blue Lid Bin – Paper and Cardboard
The blue lid bin is specifically for paper and cardboard items. This includes:
  1. Newspapers and magazines
  2. Cardboard boxes
  3. Office paper
  4. Junk mail and envelopes

Important Disposal Guidelines
  1. Do not leave garbage in boxes or plastic bags outside the bins.
  2. Do not allow excess garbage to accumulate on the premises.
  3. Ensure all rubbish is placed inside the appropriate bins with the lids closed to prevent pests and odours.
  4. Break down cardboard boxes to save space in the blue lid bin.
  5. Rinse out recyclable containers to remove food residue before placing them in the yellow lid bin.

Benefits of Proper Rubbish Disposal
  1. Environmental Protection: Proper sorting of waste helps reduce landfill and promotes recycling, conserving natural resources.
  2. Health and Safety: Keeping rubbish properly contained prevents pest infestations and reduces health risks.
  3. Community Cleanliness: Proper disposal of waste maintains a clean and pleasant environment for everyone.

By following these guidelines, you can contribute to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable community. If you have any questions about rubbish disposal or need further assistance, please contact ShareSorted.

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